Best Life Advice That Can Change Your Life (and Others)

Best Life Advice That Can Change Your Life (and Others)

Sep 06, 2021

Living our best life is something that we all strive for, but it can often feel elusive. We may feel stuck in a rut, or like we're not living up to our full potential. But the good news is that there are many simple yet effective pieces of advice that can help us live a happier, more fulfilling life. In this article, we'll explore some of the best life advice out there, from finding your purpose to cultivating gratitude and building strong relationships.

We asked everyone in our group to give us the best life advice that they are willing to pass on to everyone. No topic, to limit. To our amazement, we received a variety of topics. Indeed, there is an endless topic people are just willing to share.

Disclaimer: Most of these advices were given by somebody else. These were the advices that stuck to our readers and they just want to share the memorable advices they received.

So here we go...

On Money
Don't spend beyong your means. - Joy

On Faith
No matter the situation, keep your faith in God alive. Nothing lasts forever. - Hudson

On Passion
Do what you feel passionate about. - Donna

On Taking Chances
Take chances. Don't just inspire to make a living. Inspire to make a difference. - Donna

On Saving "No"
It's okay to say "no". No is a complete sentence. - Simon

On Never Giving Up
Never give up. Believe everything happens for a reason! - Devika

On Expectations
Nothing will disappoint you more than your expectations of others. - Gillian

On Spoken Words
Watch hwat you let come out of your mouth. Words can hurt so much and harsh words are hard to forget. - Adam

Think before you speak. Most stuff does not need to be said. - Kim

When angry or upset, think twice before speaking. Give it a day or two to clear your head and think about the whole situation. There will be no regrets that way. - Kathy

Words are like eggs once spoken. Once broken, they cannot be put together again. - Cynthia

Nothing will bother you more than the words you should've said or actions you should've done. - Marielle

On Change
You can't help someone who doesn't want to change. - Kelsey

On First Impression
Always sincerely compliment someone on first meeting. It disarms then and puts them in a better mood. - Susan

On Advices
Don't listen to random advices from strangers on the internet. - Al

On Treating Others
Treat others as you would have them treat you. - Joanne

Let those important to you know how much they mean to you every chance you get to avoid regrets. - Bennie

On Limits
Know your limits. - Tracy

On Comfort Zones
Greatness happens when we push away from our comfort zones. - Elizabeth

Nothing grows if we continue to be in our comfort zones. - Ruth

Confront everything that makes you feel uncomfortable. - Mari

On Class
Form is temporary...class is permanent! - Lindy

On Self-Esteem
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. - Kristen

On Kindness
Be kind! Love yourself! - Pat